Help, I'm not getting emails!!!
It has been brought to our attention that some members are not receiving emails about upcoming events or event results. As long as your email matches what you used when you created your GHIN account YOU ARE getting the emails but your email platform is misidentifying those emails as spam or junk mail.
This section will help you to resolve those issues.
What we need to do to resolve these issues is to "whitelist" the sending address of Golf Genius which are and
MSN, Hotmail,, Users:
Add the From address you want to receive mailings from to your MSN Hotmail,, Safe List:
- Open your mailbox and go to Settings then Options (upper right hand corner).
- Under the "Junk E-Mail" section, you'll see "Safe Senders".
- Click the "Safe Senders" link.
- Add our email sending addresses or domain into the dialog box.
- Click the "Add" button next to the dialog box.
Tip: If the mailing is in your "Junk E-Mail Folder", open the email and click the "Not Junk" button.
Note: You should also check that the mailing's email address is not in your Blocked Senders list. You can find your Blocked Senders list by following the directions above and going to "Blocked Senders List" instead of "Safe List". If you see the mailing's from address on this list, select it and click the Remove button.
Yahoo! Mail Users:
Set up a filter to redirect the mailing you want to receive in your inbox:
- Open your mailbox and click on "Settings" (upper right hand corner).
- Then select "More Settings" and then "Filters" on the left hand side.
- Click the "Add" button on the Filters page.
- In the "From header:" row, make the drop down "contains" and put our email sending addresses in the box.
- At the bottom of the page Click the "Choose Folder" pull down menu and select "Inbox".
- Click the "Save Filter" button.
Tip: If the mailing is in your Yahoo Spam Folder open the email and click the "Not Spam" button.
Note: You should also check that the mailing's email address is not in your "Blocked Addresses" list. You can find your "Blocked Addresses" list by clicking "Settings" then "More Settings" and then "Security & Privacy" on the left hand side. If you see the mailing's from address on this list, select it and click the "Remove Block" button.
AOL Mail Users:
Add the "From address" you want to receive mailings from to your AOL address book:
- Click the "Mail Options" menu and select "Address Book".
- Inside the "Address Book" window, click the “Add" button.
- Inside the "Address Card for New Contact" window add our email sending addresses [or the domain] you want to whitelist in the "Other E-Mail" field.
- Make our From address the "Primary E-Mail" address by checking the associated check box to the right of it.
- Click the "Save" button. I
Tip: If the mailing is in your SPAM Folder, you can open the email and click the This Is Not Spam button.
Gmail Users:
To make sure Gmail never filters as spam mail from a certain contact or domain:
- Click the Settings gear icon on the top right in Gmail.
- Choose "Settings" in the menu and then select "Filters & Blocked Addresses" along the top.
- If there's a list scroll to the bottom and click "Create a new filter".
- Type our email sending addresses under From:
- The click "Create Filter from Address" and choose "Never Send To Spam" then save by clicking "Create Filter"
Tip: To whitelist an entire domain (all mail from an address ending in "", for example), type the just the domain name or the domain name preceded by "@". To whitelist "", for instance, type "" (not including the quotation marks). You do not have to create a separate filter for each address. Separate addresses with "|" in the From: field instead. To whitelist both "" and "", enter " |", for example.
Apple,, Users:
To make sure any Apple webmail never filters our email as spam:
- Log into your iCloud webmail account
- Click the "Actions/Settings" gear icon, usually in the sidebar
- Click "Add a Rule"
- Set the filter, if a message is from our email sending addresses then move to your inbox.
- Click "Done"
Other Scenarios:
If you are using any third party or enhanced email blocking systems you will need to figure out how to add the Golf Genius sending address so you can ensure that you will receive emails from us.