Rules & Procedures


The Board of Directors of the Simi Hills Men’s Golf Club, after much discussion and consideration, hereby adopts the following resolutions:




  • Once a Member has committed to play in a tournament, home or away, and the cut-off date for that tournament has passed, that Member shall be responsible for the entry fee for that tournament unless a Member from the waiting list, if any, takes his spot in the tournament.
  • A Member who commits to play in a tournament, home or away, and fails to pay his entry fee for that tournament (the Unpaid Entry Fee) shall be precluded from entering another tournament until the Unpaid Entry Fee is paid in full.
  • COURSE DROP ZONES: Unless specifically noted in the rules for a club tournament. During all HOME tournament play, drop zones will not be used, even if the course has established an area marked as a drop zone.





The intent is to avoid any action(s) that could reflect negatively on our club while we are on a golf course or at a club event.  This behavior would include but not be limited to the below;

  • Inappropriate comments, gestures, abusive or excessive foul language to course personnel, club members or anyone on the golf  course or at the event.
  • Racial or homophobic slurs
  • Throwing of golf clubs or golf equipment
  • Damaging the golf course, golf carts or the golf course equipment
  • Physical intimidation or actions towards anyone
  • Repeated offenses could result in suspension from club events and even expulsion from the club.





  • Simi Hills Golf Course has blocked 7 tee times (28 players) each week, Starting at 8:00AM for SHMGC members to play golf (Home Tournament Sundays excluded).
  • Sunday Tee Times registration is completed on-line
    • Registration opens at 12:00PM the Sunday prior to the available tee times. SHMGC members can sign up themselves and other members. Guests can be added after Friday after 12pm if space is available. Registration is provided on a First Come basis.
  • SHMGC and Simi Hills Golf Course do not facilitate, are not involved with, nor mediate any side games (skins or others) players decide to play amongst themselves.
  • There is no obligation of any SHMGC Member or guest to play in any side games presented by other members.
  • Pay the golf course upon arrival.
  • Any member who No Call No Shows will be excluded from using this benefit.




  • We have enabled the ability to purchase the side games as Add-ons during the registration process on-line
    • This is not mandatory as we will continue to have envelopes at the tournament
    • You can sign up on-line for just the tournament and then edit your registration and add the additional side games at any time up to the Sunday prior to the tournament
    • Purchasing these Add-ons on-line significantly reduces the liability to the club, tournament director, and helps greatly speed up payment to the members
  • Filling Out the Special Events Envelopes: A Member wishing to enter the optional tournament special events (Skins & Closest-To-The-Pin and or Honey Pot) must (i) fill out the special events envelope legibly and correctly (i.e., contain the Member’s name(s) and have the appropriate boxes checked), (ii) include the correct amount in the envelope and (iii) deposit the envelope in the tournament box prior to teeing off. All Skins and Closest-To-The-Pin special events envelopes deposited into the tournament box that are illegible or do not include a name or do not have boxes checked correctly or contains the incorrect amount, will (a) be returned to the Member or (b) in the event the envelope does not contain a Member’s name, added to the Skins and Closest-To-The-Pin prize fund as determined by the Tournament Director.
  • Competing in the Honey Pot Special Event: A Member wishing to enter the optional tournament Honey Pot must be participating in the tournament to enter and must be part of the two man team (i.e., a Member may pair himself with any other Member competing in the in the tournament.)
  • Recording Closest-To-The Pin: A Member participating in this special event that has a recordable distance (i.e., either (i) no other Member’s name appears in the pin book under the appropriate flight, or (ii) the distance measured from the lip of the cup to the front of the Member’s ball is less than or equal to the distance recorded in the pin book for the Member’s flight), must legibly record his name and distance in both feet and inches (e.g.: 1’ 4” and not 16”) under the Member’s flight. Any Member that (a) fails to legibly record his name and the distance in feet and inches or (b) records a distance in the pin book but has not filed out a special events envelope prior to teeing off, or (c) records a distance under the wrong flight, will be disqualified from the Closest-To-The Pin special event. In addition, a Member that records a distance in the pin book but has not filed out a special events envelope prior to teeing off or records a distance under the wrong flight, will be issued a warning that subsequent violations may result in the suspension of privileges to participate in future special events.





  • Member winnings will be paid to the members by Zelle. Members are responsible to provide current and accurate Zelle account information to Treasurer. Winnings should be expect within two weeks of the close of the event the money is won. 





The Simi Hills Men’s Golf Club (SHMGC) board of directors has created an opportunity to award a participating member (the Member) of the Aces Club (the Club) a cash prize for making a hole in one during a qualified SHMGC tournament event. The cash prize is equal to the total amount of membership fees paid by the Members of the Club.


CLUB: The Club will continue until a hole in one is made. At that time the Club will reform by members paying the membership fee.


ELIGIBILITY: Participation in the Club is voluntary and not a requirement for joining the SHMGC. However, only members of the SHMGC are eligible to join the Club. Any member of the SHMGC in good standing is eligible to join the Club by completing a membership form and paying the membership fee.



  • The Member must be a paid-up member prior to the round that he makes a hole in one.
  • The hole in one must occur during a qualified SHMGC tournament.
  • The hole in one may not be made on a temporary green.
  • The hole in one may not be made from a temporary teeing ground.
  • The hole in one must occur on the first swing attempt of the hole. Hitting a reteed ball from the teeing ground or hitting a second shot in a team event because your foursome has less than four players are not eligible.
  • The hole in one must be witnessed by at least two (2) other SHMGC members.
  • All Members who score a hole in one during a calendar month of the tournament schedule will equally share the pool.
  • Payout of the pool will take place at the SHMGC monthly meeting following the conclusion of the last tournament in a calendar month in which a hole in one is recorded.
  • A hole in one made during Team Play is not eligible for a share of the payout.



  • Membership fee is $10
  • Membership fee must be paid before the day of any qualifying SHMGC tournament.
  • A member who pays the membership fee on the day of a qualified SHMGC tournament will not be eligible until the next qualified SHMGC tournament.
  • The Membership fee can be paid on-line under the Tourneys tab and 'Aces Club'

Joining the Club and paying the Membership fee is solely the Members Responsibility. Money collected for the Club pool will be maintained in a bank account under the control of the President and Treasurer of the SHMGC Board of Directors.

A list of all current members and a total prize amount is available on the clubs website.