By-Laws of the Simi Hills Men's Golf Club



The name of this organization shall be the SIMI HILLS MEN’S GOLF CLUB (the “Club.”)




A. To bring together a group of men who desire to create and maintain a golfing organization;

B. To promote and foster among its members a closer bond and fraternity for their joint and mutual benefit, and to promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions;

C. To enforce uniformity in the rules of the game by creating a representative authority;

D. To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the regulations of the Southern California Golf Association and the United States Golf Association;

E. To afford a convenient and authoritative body to govern tournaments and other golfing events; and

F. To provide a framework through which golfing and/or social events and excursions may be organized as desired by the members through its Board of Directors (“the Board.”)




Section 1: Membership in the Club shall be limited to male members 18 years or older, who have applied for and been accepted for membership by the Membership Chair in accordance with these Bylaws (“Member.”) The number of Members of the Club shall be unlimited.

Section 2: The Board may confer honorary memberships upon any Member whom the Board determines has contributed to the advancement of the Club. The unanimous affirmative vote of the Board shall be required to approve such action.

Section 3: Membership dues shall be set in such amounts as the Board determines to be adequate to operate and maintain the Club. Membership dues shall be payable annually.

Section 4: In the event any Member commits any act which in the sole discretion of the Board reflects discredit or disrepute to the Club or a Member or Members, or shall refuse or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board, such Member may be subject to suspension or expulsion by a vote of two-thirds of the Board after ten (10) days written notice to such Member and the right to be heard.



Section 1: On the first Wednesday of February, May, August & November, the Board shall hold a general meeting at such time and place as designated by the Board for the purpose of discussing Club business (“General Meetings.”). Attendance at the General Meetings shall be open to all Members. The Board shall have the ability to change a General Meeting date with at least  two weeks advance notice to the membership.

Section 2: The written minutes from the prior month’s Board Meeting and a written Treasurer’s report shall be made available at each General Meeting.

Section 3: The General Meeting in November of each year shall be designated the “Annual Meeting.”

Section 4: A legal quorum at any meeting of the Members shall be twenty-five (25) Members present or by written proxy duly signed. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote.




Section 1: Board of Directors Positions

1.1 The Board of Directors shall exercise all powers of management of the Club consistent with the Mission Statement and not specifically excepted by these Bylaws.

1.2 The Board shall consist of not more than eleven (11) Members (“Directors.”)

1.3 Directors shall hold the following positions:

  • 1.3.1 President
  • 1.3.2 Vice-President
  • 1.3.3 Secretary
  • 1.3.4 Treasurer
  • 1.3.5 Tournament Chair
  • 1.3.6 Membership and Handicap Chair
  • 1.3.7 Tournament Directors
  • 1.3.8 SCGA Club Delegate

1.4 A Director may hold more than one position.

1.5 The Tournament Chair may also be a Tournament Director.

1.6 Each Director’s duties shall be those duties as their position would indicate of such and as may be respectively assigned to them by the Board from time to time.

1.7 In addition, the Board may appoint committees to assist in the management of the Club and shall authorize and define the powers and duties of all committees. A chairman for each committee shall be appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Board, and he shall serve until his resignation, removal by the Board, or the next Annual Meeting, whichever first occurs. The work of all committees is subject to review and acceptance by the Board.

1.8 In the case of any vacancy through death, resignation, disqualification, or other cause, of any Director, the remaining Board may elect a successor Director by majority vote to hold office for the unexpired term of the Director whose place shall be vacant, and until the election of his successor. In regards to existing and newly elected board members; if a board member fails to continue his responsibilities effectively or does anything that intentionally or unintentionally harms the board or the membership in any way he can be removed immediately with a two-thirds vote by the Board.

Section 2: Election of Directors

2.1 At or after the second General Meeting of each year, the current Board shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least two Members who are not Directors (the “Nominating Committee”) for the purposes of collecting nominees for the ensuing year’s Board.

2.2 The Nominating Committee may not nominate its own Members.

2.3 All Directors who intend to run for the following year’s Board must submit their name to the Nominating Committee at least two weeks prior to the third General Meeting.

2.3.1 At the third General Meeting of the year, the nominating committee shall announce the names of all current Board members running for re-election and make known the number of Board vacancies if any. The nominating committee may nominate additional candidates to run for vacant/occupied seats and shall open the floor for additional nominations to the ballot.

2.3.2 Additional nominations to the Ballot may be made if proposed by a Member and seconded by two (2) other Members at any time prior to the election.

2.3.3 Special Called meetings open to all members shall not be considered General Meetings.

2.4 At the November General Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Board and shall post a list of the nominees for the ensuing year’s Board (“Ballot.”) Additional nominations to the Ballot may be made if proposed by a Member and seconded by two (2) other Members at any time prior to the election.

2.5 At the Annual Meeting, the election of the ensuing year’s Board shall be conducted, and the eleven (11) names receiving the greatest number of votes cast by the Members, shall be declared to be elected.

2.6 The Nominating Committee shall supervise the election. The election shall be held electronically(ex. on-line) for a 24 hour period. All current SHMGC members shall be allowed to cast their vote.

2.7 If the past President chooses not to run for re-election to the Board, he may act as an ex officio, non-voting Member of the incoming Board.

2.8 Prior to the December General Meeting, the newly elected Board shall meet and decide which Director shall hold the positions set forth in Article V, Section 1.3 and in accordance with Article V, Sections 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6.

Section 3: Meetings of the Directors

3.1 The Board shall meet at such times and places as they may determine, and a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.

3.2 Minutes of each meeting of the Board shall be made available at the ensuing General Meeting.

Section 4: Director Benefits

4.1 The Club shall pay for each Director’s Club membership fee for the year following the year of his service as a Director.

4.2 For all Directors excluding Tournament Directors, the Club shall pay for either (a) the entry fees for three (3) home tournaments or (b) the entry fee for the Annual Bus Trip plus one (1) home tournament.

4.3 With respect to Tournament Directors, the Club shall pay for the entry fee for each tournament the Tournament Director manages at the current cost for the entry fee of a home tournament.

4.4 The Club shall pay the President a yearly remuneration in an amount determined by the Board.




Section 1: The Tournament Chair shall arrange for the following annual tournaments, as directed by the Board: The Club Championship, the President’s Cup, and the Tournament of Champions.

Section 2: Club Championship

2.1 Club Championship Format

2.1.1 The Club Championship shall be stroke play format of not less than 54 holes played over three (3) separate days comprised of (a) one (1) 18 hole stroke play round played on a day designated by the Board (“Qualifying Round”) and (b) two
(2) 18 hole stroke play rounds played on separate days designated by the Board (“Final Rounds.”)
2.1.2 All Members are eligible to play in the Qualifying Round.

2.2 Club Championship Rules

2.2.1 Play will be from the tees designated by the Tournament Director.

2.2.2 All USGA and local rules will be observed.

2.2.3 All Members will play to their Low Index or Club Course Handicap, whichever is lower.

2.3 Eligibility and Qualification For The Club Championship Final Rounds

2.3.1 To be eligible to play in the Final Rounds of the Club Championship, a Member must have played in at least six (6) tournaments within the preceding12 months including the Qualifying Round.

2.3.2 The Board may grant any Member an exemption to the foregoing eligibility requirement after review of such Member's written appeal. Such written appeal must be received by the Tournament Chair in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the Qualifying Round and must contain all the facts the member wishes the Board to consider.

2.3.3 To qualify for the Final Rounds of The Club Championship, all eligible Members must be within eight (8) strokes Gross or eight (8) strokes Net of the leader or in the top 16 Gross or in the top 16 Net, plus ties, whichever is greater, after the Qualifying Round.

2.3.4 A Member that meets the eligibility requirements set forth in section 2.3.1 and qualifies in accordance with section 2.3.3 must notify the Tournament Director of his intent to play in the Final Rounds should he qualify prior to leaving the golf course after completion of the Qualifying Round. Such Member’s failure to notify the Tournament Director prior to leaving the golf course after the Qualifying Round shall preclude such Member from playing in the Final Rounds.

2.3.5 If a Member commits to play in the Club Championship and fails to make his tee time for the Qualifying Round or the Final Rounds, such Member shall be responsible for all of his respective tournament fees and such Member’s eligibility to play in the following year’s Club Championship shall be subject to the determination of the Board.

2.4 Club Championship Awards

2.4.1 Awards will be conferred on the Gross and Net winners and runners-up in the sole discretion of the Board.

Section 3: President’s Cup

3.1 President’s Cup Format

3.1.1 The President’s Cup shall consist of an initial 18 hole stoke play on a date and time designated by the Tournament Director (“Qualifying Round”), followed by individual match play rounds (“Match Play Rounds.”)

3.1.2 All Members are eligible to play in the Qualifying Round of the President’s Cup.

3.2 President Cup Rules

3.2.1 Play will be from the tees designated by the Tournament Director.

3.2.2 All USGA and local rules will be observed.

3.2.3 All Members will play to their Low Index or Club Course Handicap, whichever is lower.

3.3 Eligibility and Qualification for the President’s Cup Match Play Rounds

3.3.1 To be eligible to play in the Match Play Rounds, a Member must have played in at least six (6) tournaments within the preceding 12 months including the Qualifying Round of the President’s Cup.

3.3.2 The Board may grant any Member an exemption to the foregoing eligibility requirement after review of such Member's written appeal. Such written appeal must be received by the Tournament Chair in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the Qualifying Round and must contain all the facts the member wishes the Board to consider.

3.3.3 The defending President’s Cup champion will automatically qualify to the Match Play Rounds if he meets the eligibility requirements set forth in section 3.3.1.

3.3.4 To qualify for the Match Play Rounds, a Member must be one of the low 15 Net scores from the Qualifying Round. If the defending President’s Cup champion does not meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 3.3.1, or decides not to play in the Match Play Rounds, then the eligible Members with the low 16 Net scores from the Qualifying Round shall qualify for the Match Play Rounds.

3.3.5. A Member that meets the eligibility requirements set forth in section 3.3.1 must notify the Tournament Director of his intent to play in the Match Play Rounds if he qualifies prior to leaving the golf course after completion of his play in the Qualifying Round. Such Member’s failure to notify the Tournament Director before leaving the golf course after completion of his Qualifying Round shall preclude such Member from playing in the Match Play Rounds.

3.4 Match Play Rounds

3.4.1 The 16 eligible and qualifying Members shall be seeded into four (4) equally divided flights (the “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” Flights.)

3.4.2 Within each Flight, seeding and bracketing will done in the traditional manner: the number 1 seed will play the number 4 seed, number 2 will play the number 3 seed in the same bracket.

3.4.3 The 1st week of Match Play will be played the Sunday following the Qualifying Round. Tee times and pairings will be determined by the Tournament Director.

3.4.4 All Members advancing to the 2nd and following Match Play Rounds must complete their matches by the Sunday following the previous match, unless Tournament Director issues a hiatus from play.

3.4.5 All Match Play Rounds will be played on Sundays on the date and time designated by the Tournament Director. In the event special circumstances prevents a Member from playing a Match Play Round on a date and time designated by the Tournament Director, the Match may be played prior to the date designated by the Tournament Director provided both Members agree. If no agreement is reached between the Members regarding when the Match is to be played, the Match must be played on the date and time designated by the Tournament Director.

3.4.6 Matches may not be played within a regular Sunday Club tournament.

3.4.7 Once the four (4) flight winners are determined, the "A" Flight winner will play the "C" Flight winner and the "B" Flight winner will play the "D" Flight winner.

3.4.8 If a Member commits to play in the Qualifying Round and or any Match Play Round and fails to make his tee time for the Qualifying Round and or any Match Play Round, such Member shall be responsible for all of his respective tournament fees and such Member’s eligibility to play in the next year’s Qualifying Round shall be subject to the determination of the Board.

3.6 President’s Cup Awards

3.6.1 Awards will be conferred on the President’s Cup winner, runner-up and Flight champions in the sole discretion of the Board.

Section 4: Tournament of Champions

4.1 Tournament of Champions Format

4.1.1 The Tournament of Champions shall be stroke play format of 36 holes played over 1 or 2 days as designated by the Tournament Chair.

4.2 Qualifying for the Tournament of Champions

4.2.1 A Member must have won a postable non-team Club tournament (either gross or net) in any flight during the preceding calendar year.

4.2.2 If a Member commits to play in the Tournament of Champions and fails to make his tee time, such Member shall be responsible for all of his tournament fees.

4.3 Tournament of Champions Rules:

4.3.1 Play will be from the tees designated by the Tournament Director.

4.3.2 All USGA and local rules will be observed.

4.3.3 All players will play to their Low Index or Club Course Handicap, whichever is lower.

4.4 Awards:

4.4.1 Awards will be conferred on the Tournament of Champions winner, Gross and Net in the sole discretion of the Board.

Section 5: Rules for Representing the Club in the SCGA Four Ball Tournament

5.1 Qualification

5.1.1 Both Members must qualify pursuant to the qualification requirements established by the SCGA for the SCGA Four Ball tournament.




The Board shall have the power to repeal or amend any of these Bylaws, provided that such action shall not be effective until approved (a) by the vote or written assent of a majority of the Members at the Annual Meeting, or (b) the vote of a majority of a quorum of the Members at a meeting called for that purpose.




The Professional Advisor shall be a representative of Simi Hills Golf Course. In order to best serve and represent all golfers, the Professional Advisor may make suggestions, advise and enforce rules which, in its judgment are necessary for efficient management and the enjoyment of the Club.




The Board shall be empowered to make charitable donations to any entity or organization. The amount of such donation and or the frequency of such donation shall be at the discretion of the Board.